Why Save Hear?
Over 10 years ago a few professionals in the industry decided to sell hearing aids online at a discount price and ended up changing the industry. We are those guys.
Our founders and operators have essentially started the lowering of hearing aid costs nationwide with online Hearing Aid sales years ago. The success was great and the prices are still actively falling. More and more hearing aid options are arriving on the market each day, we're partly responsible for this growth and we like to take credit where it's due 😉
The mission is simple: Sell the world's best hearing aids at affordable prices while providing the highest quality of after-care services. Yeah, I know it sounds complicated, but not for us; our team developed a seamless process to sell, deliver, fit and service hearing aids quickly and efficiently online without breaking the bank or compromising results.
Beware of imitations: Many websites out there claim to do what we do but not many succeed on a sustainable level. Our experience and relationships in the industry allow us to provide you with the perfect hearing aid buying experience from the comfort of your own home.
Don't take our word for it. We welcome you to discuss our history and our expertise with our current customers on social media platforms. We are recently signed up with third party review platforms (Yelp, TrustSpot, etc) and all major Social Media outlets to assure our customer's experiences reach the world.
Here are more reasons to 'Save Hear'
Our Facilities (Florida, USA)